Nicole Scherzinger thinks she has no Oscar because she is too classy

Nicole Scherzinger thinks she has no Oscar because she is too classy

Believes she would be a huge star if she were more of a slut. Ehm…

Can you say ‘delusional’?

Nicole tells The Independent:

“I come from the most religious family. My grandfather is a priest. And if they support me in all this, and they do, then I’m OK. I’m being sassy and classy; I’m having fun. I’m not coming from a dark place. To be honest with you, I sometimes wish I were more slutty. I’d probably be a lot more successful if I were.”

There is more:

“This is such a tough industry, you know. To make it, you really have to sell your soul to the devil… That’s probably why I haven’t quite reached the top of my mountain. I mean, where’s my Tony Award, my Grammy, my Oscar? Why don’t I have any of those things yet?

Yes, Nicole. It’s because you are the Virgin Mary. And Meryl Streep won all those Oscars because she’s easy. Talent has nothing to do with it.

Source: SF Gate


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